"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." ~ 1 Peter 4:10


Do you ever wonder what God is asking you to do?

Do you want to build His Kingdom but you don't know where to start?

Are you unsure how He wants to use you?

If so, I totally relate!

I think if we are all really honest, most of us feel the same way!

What's our purpose? What's our unique calling? What role do we play in the body of Christ?

The Bible is very clear about "what" He wants ALL of us to do (love Him, love each other, and share the GOOD NEWS) but He has plans for each of us and He has given us different gifts to accomplish these three things.

SO sister, if you've wondered, "how does God want to use me to build the Kingdom" then here are five steps to help you discover you're calling!

These steps changed my life and I hope they help you as much as they've helped me!

STEP ONE: PRAY. Sincerely seek the Lord and ask Him to guide you in this process. He created YOU with a purpose and He will steward you through this process if you ask for His wisdom, guidance, and discernment throughout it.

STEP TWO: Take time to discover HOW God created you. For instance, are you an introvert or an extrovert? Have you ever taken the Keirsey Temperament Sorter Test? If not, it's a GREAT resource and you can take it online here. After that, take some notes and ask yourself some questions like, what interests you? What are your passions? What ministry experiences have you had and did they give you a sense of fulfillment? If they didn't, that's not where God wants you.

STEP THREE: Discover the GIFTS He has given you! God gives all of us gifts to build His Kingdom and to glorify Him. If you aren't sure what yours are I suggest you take a spiritual gifts test to help you! You can take this free quiz or others like it online by simply searching for "spiritual gifts quiz."

STEP FOUR: Evaluate your BROKENESS. This might be the most challenging one on the list but it's important! I've learned first hand that God loves to HEAL our brokeness and then use our story to help others. If you aren't sure what your most broken parts are step 1 of this process will help you! Pray and ask God to show you and then walk through healing with Him when He reveals the areas of your heart that need healing.

STEP FIVE: Talk about your sense of call with mature Christians who know you well and whose judgment you trust. Then, when you have a sense of call, test it by THE SIX E'S.

  1. Eliminate whatever does not meet the test of Scripture.
  2. Examine your motives and desires in this area.
  3. Experiment in that area in various ways.
  4. Evaluates your "success" with the aid of community (Does it bring peace, joy and is good fruit born of it?)
  5. Exchange your role for another one if it doesn't fit you.
  6. Embrace the right ministry role wholeheartedly!


I pray God uses this message to help you uncover your true identity in Him and that it helps you step into YOUR Kingdom calling!


With Love,
