daily word:

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. – 1 John 3:16

Pregnancy Support

Before I met Jesus, I had no love in my heart for the unborn. I so clearly remember driving by protests at Planned Parenthood, seeing graphic signs, and simply not caring. In fact, seven years ago, I was adamantly pro-choice and honestly had no qualms about having an abortion myself if I ever needed one. Up until that time, I didn’t know God’s heart for these children. In the story below, I share how God revealed His heart to me for these babies, and how He led me to this ministry.

In the summer of 2015, Jesus led me and my husband back to my hometown of Sun Valley, Idaho. Within the first week, God brought a young woman from my past back into my life. After catching up with her, she told me that she was pregnant and that she had chosen not to keep the baby. As I listened to her tell me about her scheduled abortion, my heart fell out of my chest. I felt heartbroken and helpless all at the same time.

After leaving her house that night I went home and fell asleep praying. I begged God to help me help her and I cried out for wisdom. That night the Holy Spirit woke me up at 3:00 am and He asked me to write a letter to my friend from Him and this child. Despite feeling exhausted, I rolled out of bed, grabbed a pen and a piece of paper, and I wrote down each word as the Lord gave it to me. Once He finished, I read the letter and wept. He had written the most beautiful, loving, perfect letter I had ever read.

The next day God provided an opportunity for me to share His letter with this woman and as I read it, I watched as God reached down and changed her heart. At the end of the letter, God overwhelmed my heart with love for this baby (a little girl) and I told my friend that my husband and I would adopt her child.

A baby wrapped in a towel sitting on the floor

Nine months later, and after many of ups and downs, this beautiful baby girl came into this world. The mother hadn’t decided whether or not she would choose adoption until the day her little girl was born. As we sat in the hospital together, tears rolled down her face as she looked at her precious baby girl and held her in her arms. She said something to me I will never forget, “Kristin, if more people reached out to pregnant mothers with LOVE instead of hate, and they stood outside of Planned Parenthood and offered to adopt babies vs. holding graphic signs, then more babies would be saved.â€

I left the hospital that day with mixed feelings. On one end I felt incredibly overjoyed that this baby and mother were on their way to a new life together, and at the same time, I felt a huge hole in my heart for this child because God had filled me with so much love for her.

When I arrived home I prayed and I thanked God for this baby girl. I praised Him for saving her and I felt relief that the tumultuous nine months were over and that this precious baby had made it here alive. After praising Him, I asked Him, “Ok Lord, what’s next? What’s my next assignment?†What God said next made my jaw drop. He said, “Kristin, the way I love that baby girl is the way I LOVE EVERY CHILD.†He proceeded to give me a vision of an iceberg and He said, “This little girl is just the tip of the iceberg. Kristin, I want this to be a MOVEMENT.†I fell back in my chair and in that moment I felt completely overwhelmed with aw and wonder. “God, how do I do that? These past nine months for this one child almost broke me, how do I make this a movement?†He replied, “Remember what your friend said, LOVE, is the key.â€

A few weeks passed before I heard from God again about this “movement.” I still felt unsure and frankly unqualified to do anything of any significance in the world. One day while driving home I cried out to Him again, “God you’ve revealed your heart to me for these babies, now what? How do I make this a movement?†He again reminded me, “Remember what your friend said.†After He reminded me a second time, I decided that I needed to take her advice literally. I made a colorful sign that read, “I love your baby and I will adopt him or her†as well as another sign that said, “you are so loved†and I headed to the Planned Parenthood in Meridian, Idaho.

After a painful and hard day of ministry, I came home and concluded that simply standing outside with loving signs wasn’t enough. People spit on me, flipped me off, called the police on me, and cursed me regardless of what my signs said. That day, I felt completely broken and defeated and on my way home I again cried out to God again, “Lord, I have done what you asked, but it didn’t work. What do I do now?†After crying out to Him God gave me a vision of a Mercedes Sprinter van that was wrapped in pictures of babies and being used for ministry. For three weeks God only showed me this van. For a while, I thought He wanted me to buy a van so I called the dealership in Boise and put my name on the waiting list. Puzzled by this vision I asked my friends and my pastor to pray with me about it. Finally, three weeks later, I got a text from my friend Christina that said, “check out this website: www.SavetheStorks.com! Maybe THIS is what God is showing you?

A woman holding her pregnant belly in front of some flowers.Immediately I clicked on the website and the first picture that popped up was a Mercedes Sprinter van, wrapped in pictures of babies, that offered FREE pregnancy tests and ultrasounds! The moment I saw this and read about this non-profit I fell over laughing with joy! This is what God was talking about! Save the Storks is a non-profit that partners with pregnancy resource centers across the country. They raise money to help these centers get mobile medical units that park outside of abortion clinics and offer free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds! Once a woman chooses life, they redirect her to a life-affirming pregnancy center that will help her for up to TWO years AFTER the baby’s birth.

After reading about them, I quickly called them, shared my story and enthusiastically became a part of their ambassador team.

Tell your story

Do you have a story to share? Has this website helped you or a friend choose life for a child? If so, I would LOVE to hear it! I pray this website and these stories work in people’s hearts so that this page gets filled with pictures of thousands of babies who were LOVED-TO-LIFE!

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